Customer Lifetime Value across Food Delivery Competitors
Pyxis is able to make consistently superior revenue forecasts and corporate value estimates by incorporating customer-level purchase behavior data in our analysis.
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At Pyxis, we understand the significance of obtaining a granular view into the health of your customer base and overall company performance. That's why we're excited to launch our new report “Customer Lifetime Value across Food Delivery Competitors," offering invaluable insights into DoorDash, Uber Eats and Grubhub.
Calculating Take Rate Revenue
By examining purchase behaviors, we can better forecast revenue trajectories across competitors, revealing how DoorDash outperforms due to stronger loyalty and higher customer acquisition. Take rate revenue is not inclusive of all revenue streams, it is calculated by examining the number of monthly active users, average monthly transactions per customer and average monthly order value before applying a company specific take rate commission.
Customer Quality and Loyalty
A larger proportion of DoorDash’s customers remain active for longer periods post-acquisition. Additionally, while customers place a similar number of orders across platforms, DoorDash customers spend much more per order. Consequently, despite a lower take rate, DoorDash’s revenue per vintage meets or exceeds that of competitors.
Acquisition of New Customers
DoorDash not only has a loyal customer base but has also been more successful in acquiring new customers over time. Since mid-2018, DoorDash has acquired more new customers than Uber Eats and Grubhub. Customer loyalty and new customer acquisition have allowed DoorDash to achieve higher organic growth than competitors.
Partnership behind this report
This report is published in partnership with Rob Markey and Theta. Rob, a Bain Partner and founder of the Customer practice, has led customer experience transformations and marketing capabilities development for many of the world's largest companies. Theta, a predictive analytics firm, uses Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) frameworks and its own Customer-Based Corporate Valuation to provide actionable insights into customer behaviors and company value.
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